Advocacy work in the spaces of health and the environment can often feel like it has a very high barrier to entry. That’s why we’re working to launch the “Make Advocacy Work Your Best Friend” online experience complete with case studies and examples from our own work and the work of youth environmentalists and activists from all walks of life. We want to help you learn how to propose, and perhaps more importantly—support—legislation in your local communities that works towards creating healthier environmental systems for all.
Over the next year, we are actively looking for ways to support and propose legislation that works for communities most impacted by poor environmental and health protections via coalition work and active communication with our local representatives. We also hope to critically think about and support legislation and campaigns that are aimed at improving the healthcare system for all people.
We also know that supporting grassroots organizers is a crucial move, and we will do our part to uplift our peers working on the frontlines with the resources that we can amass for them, especially when it comes to matters intersecting climate justice and health equity like the Black Lives Matter movement.

We know that political action, especially when it comes to environmental policy and health policy, needs the active support of people who know their own power.
2020 is an Election year and a Census year, so through social media and with the help of our partners we are focusing on making sure that we are doing our part to ensure that each and every person is counted. Health and environmental equity, social justice, and so many other human rights are on the line for hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Make sure you’re registered to vote and that you’ve filled out your census.
Plastic Pollution Action Day in Massachusetts
Spearheaded by Anchal Bhaskar of Team Avritah. This bill in the MA State Legislature, once passed, would designate September 14th as PPAD in the state, recognize plastic pollution as an issue of human + enviro health inequity, & establish community action towards ending plastic pollution.